Fujimura-kun Mates - TV Tropes (2025)

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Haru Fujimura

The main character. The Tsukkomi in a world of Boke.

  • Bad Liar: Possibly a side effect of his honor. Since he thinks that telling lies is the most unmanly thing a man could do, he's so bad at it that even Eriko and Shizuru can tell whenever he's lying.

    Shizuru: You heard everything...? Our entire conversation...?

    Fujimura: I-it's not like that! I didn't 'hear them' hear them, but rather they just passed through my ears.

  • Brutal Honesty: Doesn't sugarcoat anything.
  • Butt-Monkey: It's tough being the straight man when your poor reputation causes you to have little friends. It's even tougher that the few people who do want to be your friend make it a living hell.
  • Character Development: He starts to enjoy school more as the manga progresses. It eventually pays off.
    • After his accidental kiss with Shizuru, he realizes that annoying as they may be to him, the girls still have delicate feelings, so he makes an effort to at least keep that in mind whenever he interacts with them.
  • Celibate Hero: Fujimura is much more focused on getting through school than dealing with romance. Unfortunately, none of the other girls care about that.
  • Deadpan Snarker: When he's not being outraged by the antics of everyone else, although not as much as Himuro.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: When Fujimura saved a girl from some bullies, all anyone focused on was the fact that he badly beat up some classmates.
  • Japanese Delinquent: In name only. While Fujimura does get into fights in the manga, he doesn't particularly enjoy it — the beginning of the manga shows that he purely sees fighting as something to kill time with, and as stated above it really ticked him off when he was labeled as such by the school after saving a girl from being harassed by other delinquents. After he makes some friends, Fujimura is quite content with being an average student. He even gets rid of the standard delinquent "bleached-blond hair" once he becomes elected as student council president.
  • The Masochism Tango: Discussed. Fujimura gets mad at Himuro calling him a "virgin face" because only a masochistic person would like it. Himuro counters this by pointing out that the way he keeps acting like a gentleman after Eriko and the others mess with him is the very definition of masochism. Fujimura realizes that he can't really disprove this.
  • Not So Above It All: Sometimes he can be just as childish and petty as Shizuru or Himuro. Given the crap he has to put up with, it's understandable.
  • Oblivious to Love: Played with. While he does notice his suitor's affections, he's very clueless to aspects of romance, which Himuro lampshades.
    • In an obviously tender moment when Eri says that his accidental kiss with Shizuru doesn't change her feelings for him, he angrily says that she has no shame. He is confused to as why Eri starts crying.
      • He then asks Subaru if it was necessary for Eriko to cry about such a thing such as an accidental kiss. Subaru pretty much has to spell it out to him that no girl would be okay with the person they love kissing someone else.
  • Only Sane Man: A given, considering the world this is set in.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: If Chapter 35 is anything to go by.
  • Student Council President: Appointed in chapter 81, officially begins his tenure in chapter 86.
  • Straight Man: Again, a given.
  • Tsundere: His response to Eriko telling him how happy she is that he's with everyone at the beach can't be seen as anything other than this. It's immediately lampshaded by Subaru.

His "Mates"

Tropes applying to more than one of them:

  • Abhorrent Admirer: Unlike most examples, their problems are more with their behavior. Subaru is the school's idol, Eriko actually ranked #1 in the school's "Bishoujo rankings" due to her quiet and mysterious personality, and even Shizuru is reasonably attractive. However, Subaru often frightens Fujimura with some of her remarks, he openly laments that Eriko would be reasonably attractive if she just kept her mouth shut, and he has little patience for Shizuru's stupidity.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: All three frequently make baffling, and often times, disturbing leaps in logic. Tellingly, Shizuru seems to be the one that's most grounded in reality.
  • I Just Want to Be You: Subaru and Eriko. Each thinks that the other is the ideal example of how a "cute girl" should act — after she reformed, Subaru tried to change her image into that of a cute girl by using Eri as an example. In one chapter when Eri has to pretend to be Fujimura's cute girlfriend, she mimics Subaru to a T.
  • Marry Them All: Their end goal. They manage to reach it thanks to Himuro.
  • Polyamory: All of them have no problem with sharing Fujimura, despite his wishes for otherwise.
  • Unwanted Harem: Fujimura has to deal with brushing off their romantic pursuits. Somehow, even unbeknownst to him, they become not-so-unwanted, complete with a fourth member in tow.

Eriko Usami

"Fujimura is Eri's Bride."

The main heroine and Fujimura's first girlfriend. While appearing as a stoic, mysterious person to those who don't know her, Eriko is evidently a Lovable Sex Maniac who tries to interpret every situation with Fujimura as a perverted one and also has a disturbing obsession with beans. Eriko is...strange, to say the least, but she has good intentions and manages to convince him to come back to school.

  • A-Cup Angst: She's hesitant to go into a swimsuit because of this.
  • Class Representative: But she's not in Fujimura's class.
  • Dog Food Diet: To the point that when Fujimura gives her coffee in one chapter, she asks if it's Kikkoman or Yamasanote
  • The Comically Serious: Combined with her stoic expressions, Eriko's lack of a filter tends to shock Fujimura and Shizuru a lot.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Despite her aggressive advances on Fujimura, Chika's Precocious Crush clearly makes her uncomfortable.
  • Forgotten First Meeting: Met Fujimura for the first time approximately a year before the manga began.
  • Hidden Depths:
    • Even though she acts like a massive pervert towards him, Eriko genuinely does care about Fujimura — arguably more than any of the other girls. In the first chapter she says that the only reason why she's going so far to convince him to come back to school is because she wants to show him that school can be a fun place. The flashback also shows that she was the only person that thought that Fujimura wasn't as bad as his reputation made him out to be, and being proven right on this is what originally made her fall for Fujimura.
    • If the summer vacation arc is anything to go by, Eriko is a lot less weird than she normally acts around Fujimura and the others. Her flashback to when she first met Fujimura provides further evidence to this.
    • She really is quite knowledgeable about different types of beans.
    • She's also revealed to be scarily good at imitating people.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Probably the most perverted character in the manga.
  • Luminescent Blush: Whenever she twists Fujimura's words into something more suggestive (which is often)
  • Nosebleed: Usually when she's thinking of a perverted situation (which is also often).
  • One Degree of Separation: The flashback to the past showed that prior to saving a girl from some bullies (which would give him a bad reputation), Fujimura had told a bystander to report it to the teacher. This bystander happened to be Eriko.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: A lot of her "elopement" with Fujimura involved her apologizing a lot for her inappropriate behavior, taking care not to disturb others on the train and generally not acting like herself. It was eventually revealed that she had a very high fever.
  • Third-Person Person: Eri refers to Eri as Eri.
  • Too Kinky to Torture:
    • She all but directly stated that she'd enjoy it when Himuro threatened to tie her up.
    • When Himuro jokes that her "Test of Courage" will probably make Fujimura and the others piss their pants, she just gets more excited.
  • Twisting the Words: Will undoubtedly construe anything Fujimura says as something perverted.

Shizuru Urabe

Fujimura-kun Mates - TV Tropes (2)

"Where am I?"

Fujimura's third girlfriend. She's the student council president, but not really a good one —while she's far more benevolent to the rest of the student council than Himuro, she's still incompetent, childish, and makes more work for them (especially Himuro) because she's very clueless as to what her job entails. Despite this, she's the only admirer of Fujimura's that regularly acknowledges the absurdity of the antics of others, which would probably win her major points in Fujimura's book. Unfortunately, she still often ends up joining in the shenanigans that the others pull due to her ditzy nature.

  • Butt-Monkey: Whenever something bad or humiliating happens in the manga, it's usually to her.
  • The Ditz: Seems almost unable to function in normal life without Himuro's assistance.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: Whenever Fujimura's not around, Shizuru is usually the one pointing out Eri and Subaru's lack of logic and/or sanity.
  • Fiery Redhead: A toned down one.
  • The Klutz: Part of why she ends up in humiliating situations
  • Luminescent Blush: Frequently, thanks to Fujimura's presence and Eri and Subaru's shenanigans.
  • No Sense of Direction: Constantly gets lost, whether if it's in understandable situations such as in the mall, or inexplicable ones, such as getting lost on her way home from school. It's to the point that Himuro puts a tracker on her uniform, with her consent.
    • Later chapters show that it extends further than just losing her way: she once had to work part-time to pay her summer school fees because she lost the money her parents gave her.
  • Not So Above It All: Probably the funniest thing about Shizuru is that she's aware that Eri and Subaru think of weird, crazy and downright irrational schemes... yet she still joins in on them anyways. In fact it might just make her worse than the both of them.
  • Shy Finger-Twiddling: Does this quite a lot.
  • Straight Man: Of course, not as much as Fujimura.
  • Student Council President
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: It's like the only time the manga tries to take itself seriously is when Shizuru tries to break the fourth wall.
    • In Chapter 5 she tells Fujimura of her plan to make everyone see him as a good person. Fujimura points out that her voice was way too loud and now everyone knows that it's staged, making it useless.
    • In Chapter 23 she starts making an inner monologue about how there's something special between her and Fujimura. Since it's an inner monologue, nobody else hears her and Fujimura wonders why she's gone quiet all of a sudden. She angrily says that Fujimura should be able to hear it since he can hear background character's "inner voice" easily.

Subaru Yumizuka

Fujimura-kun Mates - TV Tropes (3)


The school's idol. Becomes Fujimura's second girlfriend, because according to her, she liked him ever since he rescued her in the past. While she's a sweet girl, she has some anger issues and makes some ominous sayings that there might be some sour in that personality of hers. It's eventually revealed that she was a feared delinquent that once bullied a girl Fujimura saved, meaning that when she said Fujimura rescued her, she really meant that he rescued her from going down a dark path.

  • Be Yourself: What Fujimura essentially tells her during their heart-to-heart at the summer festival.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: It takes a lot to get her mad but if you do...
  • Composite Character: Subaru is pretty much if you combine Shizuru and Eriko and brought them down from a level of exaggeration. This has the effect of highlighting Eri and Shizuru's traits; while she's definitely loony, she's not quite on the level of Eri, but on the other hand while she can be rational, she won't ever step in and play the Straight Man role like Shizuru.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: She's very envious of how Eri can be a "regular cute girl", while she, as a reformed delinquent, can only try to act like one.
  • Heel–Face Turn
  • Hidden Depths:
    • She likes heroic movies over romantic ones, doesn't like wearing dresses and actually finds things such as manners and polite speech to be very bothersome.
    • If what Aki had heard of her is anything to go by, it was already established that Subaru enjoyed doing school idol activities long before she decided to give up delinquency.
    • On a more serious note, despite her outward confidence, Subaru actually has deep self-image and self-loathing issues.
  • I Hate Past Me: Played for Drama. While Fujimura's comment inspired her to become a cute girl, Subaru also created her school idol identity to get away from her delinquent past. The problem is that she becomes so obsessed with keeping up her new identity that she's willing to suppress some of her good qualities just because they don't match up with that of a regular "cute girl", making herself miserable in the process.
  • Japanese Delinquent: A former one.
  • The Knights Who Say "Squee!": She's very honored to meet Aki, the original leader of her delinquent gang. So much that in her fit of fangirlism and reverence, Fujimura has to remind her that she's supposed to be pretending to be a school idol.
  • Luminescent Blush
  • Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Whenever she gets pissed, she slips into a Kansai accent.
  • Red Baron: "School Idol Yumizuka", "The Seventh Yakishininote"
  • Rescue Romance: How she met Fujimura. Turns out that she was the bully, not the girl that Fujimura rescued.
  • School Idol
  • Yaoi Fangirl

Class Representatives and Student Council

Tropes shared by all of them:

  • Absurdly Powerful Student Council: Played with. Probably the only thing normal about Helmet and Inui is how they act as members of the student councilnote. However, Himuro clearly operates on her own levels of protocols (and morals).
  • Class Representative: No duh.
  • Cloud Cuckoolander: It's established as early as Chapter 4 that Helmet, Eriko and Inui aren't the only weirdos in the council. No wonder why Himuro feels that she's Surrounded by Idiots.
  • The Dragon: Both Helmet and Inui become Himuro's closest subordinates once she becomes Prime Minister
  • Large Ham: Helmet and Inui are arguably the hammiest characters in the manga.
  • No Indoor Voice: Especially Inui. 3/4 of her dialogue is done with her yelling.
  • The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: The only person who actually does Student Council work is Himuro.


The male class representative in Fujimura's class. Always walks around in a horned helmet.

  • Eyes Always Shut: Is drawn like this.
  • Fetish: Loves wearing different helmets, the girl that he claims to like is one who wears spiked wristguards and a helmet, admits to Fujimura that he has no interests in porn where the girls aren't wearing helmets... yeah, it's definitely this.
  • Gay Option: So he says.
  • The Matchmaker: He was apparently seen as a reliable resource for relationship advice back in middle school. Even he is unsure of how this development came to be.
  • Meaningful Name: When he changed into a ninja costume, Subaru calls him Kabuto. As you can guess, Kabuto is another word for helmet, more specifically the type of helmet that samurais wore.
  • Never Bareheaded: Even when he changed into casual wear that one time, he's wearing a baseball cap.
  • No Name Given: The mangaka even said he couldn't bother thinking up a name for him.
  • Outdated Outfit: He always wears a spiked shoulder pad and an old horned helmet for unexplained reasons.
    • Subverted in one chapter when he changes into more normal samurai armor... oh, wait.
    • And also subverted at the T-800 inn where he changes into a ninja outfit... wait a sec.
    • Finally subverted for real when he's spotted in casual summer wear in Chapter 65.
  • The Reveal: A lot of intrigue was built up to as what he looked like without his helmet on ever since he had a censor mosaic over his hair when Fujimura walked in on him at the bath. Then in Chapter 65 he's seen in normal clothes for once, and while he's wearing a baseball cap you can see that his hair is just a regular buzzcut.

Claudia Chiiko Inui

Fujimura-kun Mates - TV Tropes (4)

"I daresay! Big breasts are love!"

The female class representative in Fujimura's class.

  • A Day in the Limelight: Chapter 85 is even called A date with Chiiko.
  • But Not Too Foreign: A half-British, half-Japanese girl.
  • Big-Breast Pride: See her quote.
  • Engrish: Whenever she speaks English it's either used in the wrong context or just doesn't make any sense. Lampshaded by Fujimura.

    Fujimura: You half-Japanese only know how to use English in useless places, dammit.

  • Fauxreigner: Arguably knows even less English than her classmates, despite being born and raised in England. No wonder why her family moved back to Japan.
  • Friend to All Children: She spends most of her time outside of school playing with the neighborhood kids, which in turn causes them to look up to her.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Unambiguously the nicest character in the series.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Calls people "yankees" and "gaijins", despite being half-Japanese and living in England for most of her life.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: In Chapter 76, it's revealed that she's become the leader of Subaru's old gang. However, it's later subverted; Inui didn't become leader by beating them up, but by convincing them to change their ways.
  • Phenotype Stereotype: Has blonde hair and blue eyes.
  • Speaks in Shout-Outs: Of the "learnt Japanese from watching television" variety. Nearly of her Japanese dialogue sounds like if it's cribbed from anime or videogames. In defense, it is heavily implied that she learned most of her Japanese from Helmet, who is a major provider for a lot of the anime and videogame shout-outs in the series.

    Fujimura: OI, WHO THE HELL TAUGHT THIS GIRL JAPANESE! I can't understand her at all!

    Helmet: Don't think, just feel.

Urabe Shizuru

See the "Mates" folder for more info.

Himuro Akira

Fujimura-kun Mates - TV Tropes (5)

"President...could you please learn something called competence?"

The student council vice-president. She often acts as Shizuru's caretaker, despite being much younger than the latter. Even so, at times it's implied that she might be possibly crazier than Shizuru, with her often making very ominous threats and her penchant to drop anyone who displeases her in council meetings through a trapdoor below where they sit. And that's not even mentioning the numerous traps she's installed around the entire city.

  • Armor-Piercing Question: Directly asks Fujimura if he doesn't have any romantic feelings for Shizuru. Fujimura doesn't have a response.
  • Beleaguered Assistant: Shizuru and the student council keep her very busy, to be frank.
  • Can't Stand Them, Can't Live Without Them: Himuro rags on Shizuru a lot for her incompetence as the Student Council President, but the fact that she was still willing to be friends with her after the latter left the student council shows that when it's said and done, she does consider Shizuru her friend.
  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: To Shizuru.
  • Creepy Child: Granted, she puts up with her senior Shizuru, but jokingly trying to give someone a lobotomy with a screwdriver is pretty dark.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Whenever Fujimura can't be around to snark, Himuro picks up the slack.
  • Death Glare: Gives some rather chilling ones throughout the manga.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Sends people down trap doors for seemingly small reasons.

    Himuro: His face pissed me off.

  • Enfante Terrible/Kids Are Cruel: By her father's words and her own admission, she's mellowed out from when she was younger. Fujimura and the reader can only shudder at the thought of what she used to be.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Himuro has no problems with treating Shizuru like a guinea pig, dropping people down trap doors for small offenses and being mean to others with little provocation. However, when Chika asks her for Fujimura's personal information just so she can get Eriko to "break up" with him, she's very reluctant in doing so.
  • Iron Lady: In the distant finale, it's revealed that she replaced the traditional parliamentary system and became president of Japan.
  • Jerkass: While she may be Surrounded by Idiots, Himuro can be incredibly petty and often downright cruel at times.
  • Karma Houdini: Himuro's more disproportionately cruel moments are never met with any comeuppance because everyone (including Fujimura) is too terrified of her to do anything about it.
  • Kick the Dog: After rescuing Fujimura and Shizuru from some thugs she drops Shizuru down a trap door once she finds out that she wasted her money on juice. Then she kicks Shizuru back down the hole when she manages to somehow climb back up.
  • Not So Above It All: Despite being wise beyond her years, Himuro's age shows whenever she sometimes take part in the insanity.
    • When she asked Shizuru how it felt to kiss somebody, she was writing down notes. It's actually kind of adorable.
  • Pet the Dog: Himuro spends a lot of her appearances being a jerk to people (usually Shizuru), but she's capable of doing enough nice things that would probably bump her up to Jerk with a Heart of Gold status. Despite berating Shizuru all the time she was very supportive of Shizuru's attempt to become Fujimura's girlfriend. She also takes great pleasure in messing with Fujimura's head, but also goes out of her way to improve his reputation.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: She's shown to be a pretty fair arbiter for both Fujimura and the harem: while she understands how Fujimura feels, she also sympathizes with the harem in that Fujimura can't keep up this polygamous relationship thing forever and it's only fair to them that he picks one of them soon.
  • Sarcastic Devotee: Doesn't even hide how little faith she has in Shizuru.
  • Ship Tease: Subtly implied in some chapters that she may have a thing for Fujimura. Outright confirmed at the summer festival.
    • Further made clear in the distant finale, when she makes polygamy legal as president of Japan and the other girls note that Himuro also chose Fujimura to be her husband.
  • Stoic Spectacles
  • Teen Genius
  • Trap Master: Managed to install a series of traps throughout the entire town.
  • What Is This Feeling?: Openly wonders this after holding Fujimura's hand while watching fireworks at the summer festival.



A little girl with a crush on Eriko, who turns out to be her cousin.

  • Bratty Half-Pint
  • Child Prodigy: According to Eriko, she's renowned in IT and is studying at an American university.
  • Hopeless Suitor: To Eriko.
  • Horrible Judge of Character:
    • Believes that Eriko is an "innocent young maiden". She couldn't be any more wrong.
    • She also considers Himuro as a good mentor to learn from. Even Himuro was surprised.
  • It Runs in the Family: Apparently Eriko isn't the only person who twists people's words into something perverted and doesn't listen to people.
    • And it's implied that their grandmother is the exact same way.
  • Kissing Cousins: What she wants. Unfortunaftely for her, Eri has a one track mind.
  • Shadow Archetype: To Eriko; both of them hear what they want to hear from people, don't listen to when people are telling them otherwise and have an unhealthy devotion to one person. Chika doesn't listen to anyone to the point where even Eri finds her to be a nuisance, and while Eri knows her boundaries, Chika takes her devotion to a level where she does things that even Himuro is uncomfortable with.
  • Stalker with a Crush: She unashamedly admits to the gang that she stalks her own cousin... then they find out that she isn't even aware what the word "stalking" means. She originally thought that the "king" in the word "stalking" actually referred to the royalty position... yes, it's as weird as it sounds.
  • Token Mini-Moe

Aki Fujimura

Fujimura's older sister.

  • Berserk Button: Boys having impure relationships with girls, as stated by herself. Thus, when she found out about Fujimura's situation, she was not pleased.
  • The Comically Serious
  • Cool Big Sis: Where she lacks in sanity, she makes up for it in kindness.
  • Failed a Spot Check: The first time she meets Shizuru and Himuro, they appear to be trying to break into her family's house. She then gives a character introduction to them, despite them being a case study on how not to make a good first impression to someone.
  • Hidden Depths: If you met her in the street, would the first thought that comes to your head be that she works at a videogame company?
  • In-Series Nickname: Called "Fuji-nee", for obvious reasons.
  • Literal-Minded: And very stubborn too. As stated by Fujimura:

    Once, when she was small, big sis tripped over and scraped her knee, and our parents said "Aki, you're the world's strongest child, so don't cry okay?". Then she said "I'm going to find someone stronger than me" and left the house...

  • Poor Communication Kills: Jumps to the conclusion that Fujimura and Shizuru had sex on their summer vacation trip and questions Shizuru if they used contraception. Shizuru makes it even worse by saying "We didn't do anything like that!note". Aki then thinks that Shizuru came to her house for other reasons...
    • When she recalls all the things that she heard about Subaru when she was still a delinquent, she says she wants to test her greatness, saying "Come at me with all you have". She was talking about fighting her in a videogame.
  • Red Baron/I Have Many Names: "Aki The Harvester", "Aki Saburou the Lone Ranger", "Aki the Evil Spirit", "The Invulnerable Outlaw", "Stunner Aki-chan"... as Fujimura points out, a lot of these aren't very good delinquent nicknames.
  • Retired Badass: see below
  • The Reveal: The gang that Subaru had controlled in middle school was originally started by Aki. And it had spanned six previous generations of students before Subaru became the leader. Not even Fujimura was aware of this.
  • Sand In My Eyes: Tries to pass off tears of joy over Fujimura's relationship technically not being impure as "saliva running out of her eyes". Everyone is clearly disgusted.
  • Shadow Archetype: To Subaru. In the true Jungian tradition, Aki represents both Subaru's flaws (She was an even greater delinquent than Subaru and feared to the point where her name was known across Japan) and her potential to be a better person, as Aki managed to reform her delinquent ways, cares deeply for her friends and family and managed to live her life the way she wanted to — which is everything that Subaru wishes to be.
  • Tranquil Fury: When she found out about Fujimura's "triple-timing".


Fujimura's best friend from middle school, who comes to visit during summer vacation.

  • Foil: To Fujimura without a doubt. Tanaka's all for romantic pursuits but it took him three years to get a girlfriend. Meanwhile Fujimura makes absolutely no effort to look for romance, yet has to deal with three people considering themselves his girlfriend. To further drive the point home, his hairstyle is the same as Fujimura's only colored black.
  • Odd Friendship: He's also good friends with Helmet. Though, the more he spends time with Fujimura and the gang, it's not really all that odd why he'd be friends with him.
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: Met his girlfriend in Helmet's research organization.
Fujimura-kun Mates - TV Tropes (2025)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

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Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.