V2_ is an interdisciplinary center for art and media technology in Rotterdam (the Netherlands). V2_'s activities include organizing presentations, exhibitions and workshops, research and development of artworks in its own media lab, publishing in the field of art and media technology, and developing an online archive.
Tele-Communication in ART (1989)
In 1989 V2_ organized a festival entitled Tele-Communication in Art, one of the precursors of the DEAF festival. Several art videos, exploring communication in society in the late 1980’s are now available at V2_’s Youtube Channel.
Description: Short video art from artists from 1989. As a result to previous manifestations, V2_ now aims at communicative systems, (in which electronic media are represented as the ultimate exponents of our electronic society). The manifestation investigates the possibilities of art as a stimulating medium within our communicative systems, inside the network of systems and / or cultures. If you see the developments in the area of communication, then scientists and media experts agree that this new techniques will change our society drastically. Our observations will be determined by new codes who are being developed in the terrain of tele communication media. They will leed to dislocation of certain functions in our society. Concepts as time and space get new content in this new media. Through screens we are being flooded with images and sound from other times and other cultures. We have access over an unlimited stream of information; one of the dangerous sides of this is the fact that this information will be meaningless (with the pleasure of a drink we watch the world problems in 15 minutes). The relation between see and feel is being disturbed. What can art add in this medium and the use of it, or how can art unravel the function of this. Can art give a value to this media and how can artists communicate through this media? Art as a communicating medium can't extract from this new questions. The use of this communicative media and the consequences of this media on a cultural and social area also includes them...
Media and technology are omnipresent in contemporary society, and the same technological developments that are changing communication, production, trade, urban culture and medicine, are also transforming the arts.
Manifesto for the Unstable Media, 1987
Art which applies electronic media - especially digital or unstable media - reflects upon and takes into account the meaning, idiosyncrasies and boundaries of such media. In this process, instability is a creative force that is essential to the continuous re-ordering of the social/cultural, political and economic relations in society. Instead of providing us with an orderly, homogeneous worldview, unstable media present an image of a world that is inconsistent, heterogeneous, complex and variable.
V2_ is interested in the relationships and interactions between different media and in the relationship between art and scientific disciplines. The connections between art, technology, media and society are continuously explored, by bringing together artists, scientists and civil organizations and by initiating interdisciplinary collaborations. Over the past 20 years V2_ has succeeded in establishing an ongoing dialogue within a wide network of contacts that contributes to the development of specific (art) projects for research and presentation. V2_ offers a critical perspective on the futuristic promises that new media technologies always seem to carry.
V2_Organisation, Institute for the Unstable Media (Foundation). Trade register 41082049, Rotterdam.
V2_Lab works together in projects with individual artists as well as partners in academia and industry. Projects are the result of internal research, co-productions, residencies or third-party assignments.Love Hate Punch
Stefan Gross and Stella Boess are the inventors of the Love Hate Punch, a punching bag that reacts with sound and light to impacts. In 2010, they asked V2_Lab to redesign the hardware and software so that the punching bag could respond to the blows ...
Pseudomorphs are tech-couture pieces which are transforming into fluid displays. During her artist in residency, Anouk Wipprecht's aim is to create illusions around the body.
Action Plant
Action Plant explores a speculative proposal to empower threatened species of plants with the ability to flee from their aggressors.
Sentient City Survival Kit
The Sentient City Survival Kit is a design research project that explores the social, cultural and political implications of ubiquitous computing for urban environments.
Joachim Rotteveel explores how Augmented Reality technologies can create new opportunities for making self-portraits.
Artist Daan Roosegaarde expands his artistic and innovative horizon to fashion in collaboration with V2_ Lab and fashion designers Maartje Dijkstra & Anouk Wipprecht.
V2_ Online Strategy
Presentation regarding V2_ online strategy for 2010-2011.
The goal of the CLOSER project is to bring audiovisual archives in a more direct relationship with the audience, using innovative interaction techniques like Augmented Reality.
This project by Dutch artist duo Karen Lancel and Hermen Maat in collaboration with V2_Lab, explores the emotional and social tension between disclosure and invisibility, and between privacy and trust, in our changing social eco-system.
E-Textile Workspace
Wearable Spaces
The E-Textile Workspace of November 30th 2010 was organized around the subject of "Wearable ...
Transformational Garments
The 21st of October 2010, the E-Textile group chose 'transformational garments' as starting point ...
DMY Berlin Report
June 10 2010, V2_ participated at the Maker Lab during the DMY Festival. Meg Grant, Melissa ...
Exercise in Immersion 4
Exercise in Immersion 4 is an ‘art-game’ devised by the Rotterdam media-artist, Marnix de Nijs ...
Public try-out of Exercise in Immersion 4 during DEAF07
The developers of V2_Lab continued working on the installation during the first public try-out of ...
Better Than Reality
The Better Than Reality project
In Spatial Audio, Boris Debackere researched spatial sound in general and its application within ...
Through the Looking Glass
Jonas Hielscher’s research focused on the visual aspects of augmented reality. Two demos were ...
GATC/life is a virtual reality project inspired by the human genome. The work was realized at the ...
Cave v.h. Erasmus MC – GATC / life van Sonia Cillari
A nybble is the unit of half a byte, or four bits, which is the basis of every digital conversion. As the numeric equivalent of binary code, it exemplifies the internal logic of software that transforms codes and protocols on a server into various ...
Body in Bits and Pieces (BIBAP) is an online application that entices visitors to the BIBAP website to interact in an exciting virtual environment. User interaction causes a “dance story" to unfold for the visitor through short video fragments.
Michiel Koelink’s Spitzenkörper project is a generative work based on fungus growth.
Parkfield Interventional Earthquake Fieldwork
The Parkfield Interventional EQ Fieldwork (PIEQF) by artist D.V. Rogers was a geologically interactive, kinetic earthwork that was temporarily installed in the remote township of Parkfield, Central California. This machine controlled earthwork ran ...
"Soft[n]" is an interactive installation in a lounge-like space based on the exploration of behavior arising through visitor interaction with a group of soft, networked objects.
Watch That Sound
In 2008, the V2_Lab realized a software tool for the "Watch That Sound" (WTS) project, an initiative of music instructor Jacques van de Veerdonk.
The World Ensemble
The World Ensemble is an interactive installation with audiovisual automata. The viewer can manipulate the direction of movement of the work by moving a mouse.
"D-tower" is an art piece, commissioned by the city of Doetinchem in the Netherlands, that maps the emotions of the inhabitants of Doetinchem. "D-Tower" measures HAPPINESS, LOVE, FEAR and HATE daily using different questions.
Media Vintage
With "Media Vintage", Melissa Coleman writes/sews a memorial to obsolete media. Information stored on digital carriers is vulnerable and transient. In this respect, physical things, like books, are worth more. How might textiles work as a storage
Can Augmented Reality be used as a medium to create musical compositions?
Versum, the audiovisual composition software developed by Tarik Barri.
Las Familias
"Las Familias - a gambling den" consists of a spatial installation with an integrated video game. The centrepiece is a small house made of wooden panels which will be used for slide projections. The projections are made of images of women holding ...
City Interactive
City Interactive is an announcement of the city as an art object and an investigation of it as an interactive media space. By using physical manipulation and navigation of real objects, language and intelligence, as well as historical, ...
The Bar Code Interpreter
The Bar Code Interpreter is an interface which consists of software and hardware. The software runs under Linux and is written in C. The hardware consists of a bar code scanner, a PC, a custom built interface and a relay switch box.
Leisure activities have become one of the major economic forces, a force that penetrates different levels in our lives. Simultaneously with leisure activities a control-economy became a force that gives direction to the way we live. As with leisure ...
SHAREWEAR is an investigative fashion and technology collaboration involving Di Mainstone and V2_.
Physiognomic Scrutinizer
V2_Lab contributed to the latest work of Marnix de Nijs. Artm Baguinski developed a tool that is used to match visitors facial features and characteristics with one of the 150 pre-selected persons in the database.
Tweet Bubble Series
The Tweet Bubble Series consists of four wearable speech bubble prototypes developed in collaboration between artist Aram Bartholl and V2_Lab. All four prototypes are based on the idea that a Twitter user shows his/her latest Twitter post in the ...
Vertical Irrigation System - second variation
Installation of an autonomous irrigation system can bring barren places in the city back to life, with no tending needed after installation.
Deep Limb Sensation
In augmented- and virtual-reality environments one is often represented by avatars or virtual bodies/limbs. Deep Limb Sensation exploits this disconnection between our physical bodies and our bodies as we conceive them by having a person use their ...
Better Than Reality
The Better Than Reality project
SHAREWEAR is an investigative fashion and technology collaboration involving Di Mainstone and V2_.
Exercise in Immersion 4
Exercise in Immersion 4 is an ‘art-game’ devised by the Rotterdam media-artist, Marnix de Nijs ...
Passepartout is a European consortium within which V2_Lab has contributed to the development of future scenarios for interactivity and the personalization of technology.
V2_Residency Lab China
V2_ begins residency program at Tsinghua University's Media Art Lab in Beijing in collaboration with Parsons the New School for Design of New York.
For the period June-July 2002 Thecla Schiphorst (CDN) & Susan Kozel (CDN/GB) were invited to Whisper 3
Body as System
Each device in whisper is held close to, or worn on the body. Our bodies have secrets, contain ...
Laser Measurement System Object For Max
Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) instruments provide a fast and accurate way to track objects in ...
v2_max.sick.lms100 - v1.0
This is the first public release of the external, all feedback is welcome.
LIDAR operating principle
Soundpiece is an installation that serves as an open audio stage. It's consisting of 32 small 100-watt speakers set in a grid under the metal surface of the Rotterdam square Schouwburgplein.
Artists, researchers, developers, curators, writers and their relations to V2_. See People.
V2_Lab offers an international residence program for professional media artists.
The program currently consists of two fully funded and technically supported residencies a year (full residency) and irregular residency positions in the form of providing a workplace within the V2_Lab (support residency).
Full Residencies
To acquire a ‘full residency’ position, artists may propose research and development projects within the topics specified in (and following the detailed guidelines of) V2_’s calls for residency projects. These calls are sent out and announced on this website twice a year.
Get an impression of the variety of Artist-in-Residence projects.
Support Residencies
‘Support residencies’ are open to artists worldwide and especially aimed at experienced professionals that can work autonomously but may benefit from the expertise and technology available in the V2_Lab. These residencies are not funded, but solely open the lab for use by external parties. Specific calls for these residencies are sent out and announced on this website.
To get an impression of our Support Residencies, please have a look at our yearly Summer Sessions program.
There are currently no calls.